International Cooperation

China Meteorological Administration (CMA) is a member of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) / United Nations, the Chinese meteorological satellite system has been committed to becoming a part of the world meteorological observation system. NSMC delegates or supports CMA on a number of occasions for international coordination between operational satellite systems in the world.

NSMC has been participating the annual meetings and associated activities of the Coordination Group for the Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) since 1989.

NSMC became a member of the Committee of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) in 2010.

On behalf of CMA, NSMC is involved in international corporations on either regional or bilateral basis that is Earth observation relevant; for instance, the Asia Pacific Satellite Data Exchange and Utilization (AP SDEU), the Asia Oceania Satellite Application Conference, and corporation projects between CMA and foreign partners (FENGYUN Satellite User Conference, FENGYUN Satellite Pioneer Planning).

As one of the Data Collection and Production Centers (DCPC) identified by the WMO Information System (WIS), NSMC is producing specialized satellite products which are accepted by WIS to disseminate within its framework. These products can be accessed by users through the Global Information System Centers (GISC) worldwide.